IoT (Internet of Things)

With the rise of IoT, a whole new era is entering the market. The technologies that affect the growth of the IoT market can be listed as follows:

  • Miniaturization of hardware and embedded systems that create very complex applications.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning data analysis.
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) systems that enable IoT devices to communicate with each other to perform local transactions.
  • Cloud technology that can collect, analyze and combine data from millions of devices.
  • Wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, 5G, Bluetooth, Li-Fi, LAN, and WAN.

Telemetry Protocols

IoT devices communicate using network protocols. The requirements of the IoT devices used for telemetry are:

  • Low power: Most IoT devices are powered by an internal battery. Thanks to new battery technologies, a battery has a life span of 10 to 20 years.
  • Low-code footprint: IoT devices should be as small as possible. Requires protocols that do not need heavy computing or wireless power.
  • Low bandwidth: High bandwidth transmission technologies require more power and extra hardware footprint.
  • Local intelligent IoT Gateways: The closer these systems are to the IoT device, the less power it is possible to transmit.
    IoT telemetry communication is performed through different protocols. Each has its pros and cons.

These protocols are:

  • MQTT: Message Queuing Telemetry Transfer Protocol uses the broadcast-subscriber approach during broadcasting and receiving data. Requires an intelligent IoT gateway.
  • CoAP: Restricted Application Protocol, designed for devices restricted by low-power and high-loss networks. It works in UDP and can be converted to http. CoAP can be routed over IP networks and supports IP multicasting for M2M communication between other IoT devices.
  • HTTP – This protocol is usually combined with the Restful API protocol and can be routed over the internet; however, it is unsafe.
  • HTTPS – This protocol is secure and robust; however, it has high power and processing requirements to encrypt data traffic and requires remote management of certificates.

Our IoT Solutions


The nature of their surroundings makes factories, manufacturing plants and on/off loading zones hazardous environments to work. Proximity aims to eliminate or minimize accidents that involve humans and vehicles in these situations.


Man-Down provides instant health status notification for field workers. It uses multiple positioning technologies such as GPS, GSM triangulation, Beacons and RF Transceivers, 3D Positioning System to make sure that workers are precisely displayed in a virtual map.

Computer Vision Processing

Computer vision processing ensures the quality of manufactured goods. It aims to eliminate errors by utilizing cameras and advanced image processing algorithms to identify manufacturing defects.


inContact ensures the safe separation of people in accordance with social distancing guidelines. By reporting people in close proximity when an outbreak occurs, it automatically identifies risk groups and controls the rate of spread.

PPE Control

PPE control system detects, through computer vision, whether the personnel are wearing the required protective equipment before entering industrial work areas.

Our Projects




Alarko Carrier



